Perfect Short Fiction Anthology

If you were to collect a bunch of short fiction for your own personal anthology of ideal stories, which would you choose? What if you couldn’t select more than, say, twenty-five? How would you narrow it down?

My head nearly explodes at the difficulty of such a task.

Over at SF Signal, a selection of fine writers and readers (such as Nancy Kress, Violet Malan, Genevieve Valentine, and Angela Slatter, to name but a few) have demonstrated that their heads are less explodey than mine, as they have compiled some wonderful choices for us to read or revisit — pop over there to see which stories make their short lists (which, btw, are long enough to warrant not one, but two parts! Part Two is here.)

I love getting these insights into other people’s reading tastes (not least because I am a fan of lists…) and I also love seeing folks like Margo Lanagan and Peter M Ball ranking up there with Neil Gaiman, China Mieville … and even I get a nod too. Huzzah! 🙂

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