The Campbell Award: Or, How the Author Blushes and asks, ‘Vote for me!’

I’m not shy about self-promotion when it comes to telling you lovely folks about my stories. Although I write, initially, for myself (as I suspect most writers do), I’m not scribbling away into a vacuum. If all goes well, someone — maybe even you! — will read what I’ve written. But you might not, unless I tell you about their existence. So, as far as self-promotion goes, I feel it helps to point you to these stories, to open the door to the worlds I’ve created, and then to stand back and let you decide whether or not you want to walk through it.

Write; Promote; Have Stories Read. This is a process I’m comfortable with.

But when it comes to letting you know that I’m eligible for the Campbell Award and — oh the horror — asking you to consider voting for me… I squirm. Just a bit. Enough to make me want to do this:

So, with bag over head, I want to point you to my Bibliography. This is my second year of eligibility for the Campbell: I sold my first professional story to Clarkesworld in July 2009 — and since then have had eleven stories published in places like Fantasy, Weird Tales, ChiZine, Steampunk Reloaded… Some of these stories are available online (follow the links in the Bibliography) but if there are ones you’re particularly keen on reading, please feel free to drop me a line on Facebook (Lisa L Hannett) and we’ll see what we can do about setting you up with reading copies.

If you’re already familiar with my work and, more to the point, like it; and if you attended Aussiecon4 last year in Melbourne or are about to attend Renovation this year, then imagine me (still with bag over head so as to hide the rising flush in my cheeks) standing with one finger pointed at myself and the other at the John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer boxes on this form. And, hell: if you want to nominate any of the 2010 stories for ‘Best Short Story’ I won’t stop you.  

Thanks, all! 🙂

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